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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag ui



Timoa (timoa) on Pinterest

A large and nice collection of mobile UI. A great source of inspiration for mobil UI designers!


by 2 others
grumble.js provides rounded tooltips which can be rotated around a given element at any angle, all 360 degrees. Very useful for building interactive tooltips / user help.

by 3 others
Default Icon is a repository of minimal icons based on black color. It can be used for UI design on web,  portable devices (iPhone, iPad, Android compatible devices, other smartphones, etc.), desktop applications, and generally any kind of electronic or mechanic machinery interface.

Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.


by 9 others
Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.

jQuery custom scrollbar demo

by 2 others
A nice jquery scrollbar for highly customed websites


jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile

by 8 others
A multi-mobile-browsers javascript framework, which provides UI elements for building application-like interfaces. This library is built on jQuery and jQuery UI.


jquery week-calendar

by 4 others
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as google calendar.

Symfony 1.2 admin generator - Graffletopia

Some stencils of Symfony 1.2 admin generator, which allow to draw wireframes using sf1.2 ui design elements.

jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web

by 12 others
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important js user-interface components. It defines itself as THE web js UI library, and explains that "do you really need drag-and-drop, resizable windows or sortable tables in your web applications? Websites are not desktop applications. They are different.". Just a pinch at jQuery UI ?


Syntactic Sugar » Blog Archive » jQuery Gestures

by 3 others
The jQuery Gestures plugin offers a nice way to add gestures to a web page.

Image Optimization, Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction » Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by 2 others
This post is about some common tools you can use to reduce the file size of your images. The idea is to be able to just take the images your designer has created and instead of using them “as is”, go ahead and tidy them up in short time and no effort, without even looking at them.

Code: Flickr Developer Blog » On UI Quality (The Little Things): Client-side Image Resizing

Browsers differ in rendering images at non-native sizes, with some providing noticeably better results than others. Internet Explorer 6 in particular looked to be the least smooth when scaling images down, but some interesting workarounds are available.

Amazon Windowshop Beta

by 1 other
A beta version of the Amazon shop looking like Piclens / Cooliris. Interesting, but not very usable...

Javascript Calendars for Lazy Webmasters

by 5 others
A large collection of javascript calendars. In the seek for a good replacement to Dynarch JS Calendar :)

Mark Finkle’s Weblog » Fennec - M9 (User Experience Alpha)

Mozilla is releasing desktop versions of Fennec, the mobile version of Firefox targeted at being the concurrent of Iphone's Safari. As for the first tests, the user experience is rather convenient. It's w00t to be able to use flash on mobile devices!

Django Admin Omnigraffle Stencil

by 1 other
An Omnigraffle Stencil of the admin UI elements that Django provides out of the box